Recent Posts
The Great Judge Learned Hand described the life of a judge better than I ever could on my own
As the Holiday Season unfolds and on a point of personal privilege with my editor’s permission, I will depart from…
Philosophy of Legal Pragmatism
In my last column, I discussed the judicial philosophy of Legal Pragmatism as its originator, Supreme Court Justice Benjamin Cardozo,…
The Juvenile Justice System
My final column before the election will focus on an issue that has been debated in every election that I…
Rejecting the intense destructive ideological and party partisanship
In my last few columns, I opined that, in choosing our leaders in the next election, selecting candidates who articulate…
Law and Economics
The social and economic “costs” of initiating and applying public policy in accordance with a particularly political or social philosophy…
Law or Politics – The Peoples’ Choice
In the last thirty days, we have witnessed in operation the “checks and balances” that the architects of both the…
Later Bloom in the Form of the Various Feminist Theories of Jurisprudence
As my last column published on February 3, 2006 ended, the “Legal Realists” and the “Critical Legal Studies” movement were…
How Do We Spot Leaders
In my last column, I left open the question of “how do we spot leaders who are prepared to commit…
Responsibility and accountability in the criminal justice system – a challenge
An important issue that we ought to pay attention to when we select our leaders in November is how they…
Expanding Last Year’s New Year’s Resolutions
As the New Year approaches, I continue my series of Holiday reflection reiterating and expanding last year’s New Year’s Resolutions….