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Old Truths About a New System – The Commissionel System
My last column discussed “The Grand Jury: New Truths About An Old Institution.” This column will be about old truths about…
A Primer on Comparative Negligence vs. Contributory Negligence
In my last column, I hailed the revival of the debate during the 2007 Session of the Maryland General Assembly…
A Closer Look at Traffic Stops and Drug Courier Profiles
As the new General Assembly of Maryland begins its work in earnest after the inauguration of a new governor and…
Contributory Negligence v. Comparative Fault and Joint and Several Liability
As predicted in my last two columns, the Maryland General Assembly will not resolve the debate over whether to replace…
The Legacy of Chief Judge Ernest A. Loveless Jr.
On August 5, 2007, the former Chief Judge and Administrative Judge of the Seventh Judicial Circuit of Maryland, Ernest A….
Contributory Negligence Issue Returns to Assembly
After a four year hiatus, probably induced by the accurate perception the former Governor Ehrlich’s unabashed “pro business” philosophy would…
Here is to Relativism in the Law
As a newly elected Maryland General Assembly prepares to open its next session, its potential work product in 2007 becomes…
The Politics of Judicial Selection
My last few columns have discussed “Facing the Challenge of Finding and Picking Good Judges” and “What Skills and Characteristics…
Explanation for Violence at Virginia Tech Provided by Shakespeare
As I sat in my regular seat at Washington, D.C’s Shakespeare Theater less than a week after Seng Hui Cho’s…
Exclusionary Rule- To Be Or Not To Be- It Is No Longer A Question
A number of years ago, I had the pleasure of joining a distinguished prosecutor, now Montgomery County Deputy State’s Attorney…