Problem Solving Courts By Choice or Challenge
The debate over whether the mission of the Judicial Branch of the Government should be enhanced to include a “problem-…
The debate over whether the mission of the Judicial Branch of the Government should be enhanced to include a “problem-…
Strategically placed in one of the halls of the building housing The Administrative Office of the Courts in Annapolis is…
The increasing specialization of the Bar, and as I noted in my last column, grudgingly, the Bench in this State…
As the Maryland General Assembly heads into its final weeks, the debate over whether our state’s current tort law which…
What are the qualities that should be identified and then sought after in an applicant for judicial office? The diverse…
What are the qualities that should be identified and then sought after in an applicant for judicial office? The diverse…
Governor O’Malley has now issued Executive Orders creating the Appellate Court and all of the Trial Court Judicial Selection Commissions…
In my last column, I hailed the revival of the debate during the 2007 Session of the Maryland General Assembly…
As predicted in my last two columns, the Maryland General Assembly will not resolve the debate over whether to replace…
On August 5, 2007, the former Chief Judge and Administrative Judge of the Seventh Judicial Circuit of Maryland, Ernest A….